God hates the Sin but loves the sinner - Or does He?

While preparing to teach on Romans 8:7, I had to challenge the familiar say, "God hate the sin but loves the sinner." I had always been taught this. Guess who said it? Mahatma Gandhi!   

Romans says that the carnal mind is enmity against God. 

Carnally - 

I.the flesh, denotes mere human nature, the earthly nature of man apart from divine influence, and therefore prone to sin and opposed to God

Minded - 

I.what one has in the mind, the thoughts and purposes

Enmity - the state or feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to someone or something; hatred

Psalms 5:5-6 says,  "…You hate all workers of iniquity... abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man." 

The workers of iniquity are very foolish. Sin is folly, and sinners are the greatest of all fools; not fools of God's making (those are to be pitied), for he hates nothing that he has made, but fools of their own making, and those he hates. Wicked people hate God; justly therefore are they hated of him, and it will be their endless misery and ruin. - Matthew Henry

 The carnal mind is enmity against God. “It is not black, but blackness; it is not at enmity, but enmity itself; it is not corrupt, but corruption; it is not rebellious, it is rebellion; it is not wicked, it is wickedness itself. The heart, though it be deceitful, is positively deceit; it is evil in the concrete, sin in the essence, it is the distillation, the quintessence of all things that are vile; it is not envious against God, it is envy; it is not at enmity, it is actual enmity.” (Spurgeon)

The carnal mind will take the soul of the unbeliever to hell. 

Some cannot reconcile that God hates unbelievers (defined as carnally minded people who do not have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit)


My position is that there are two types of unbelievers:

#1 Ones that will response to the pursuit of the Holy Spirit and eventually be saved

#2 And those who have set their minds on the carnal and will never accept the work of Christ. (ie: Pharaoh 4:21 before Moses even went to Egypt 7:3 before any plaque, he hardened his heart)

8:15 P hardened

8:32 P hardened

9:12 the Lord hardened

9:34 P hardened

10:1 God hardened

10:20 God hardened

10:27 God hardened

11:20 God Hardened

14:8 God hardened)

Some would say that Pharaoh had opportunity up until his death to change his heart. I would say that his heart would never change and God knew that. 

Psalms 5:5 say “you hate all workers of iniquity.

This would make it sound like there is the potential - in a way only God can do - that God loves all and wills that none should perish, while at the same time, hates those who work iniquity.  I don’t necessary like how that makes me feel. but I have to leave the door open because that is what the Bible says. 

 Leviticus 20:23 I abhor them (the nation which I am casting out)

 Psalm 11:5 the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates


Proverbs 6:16-19 These six things the Lord hates: Yes, seven are an abomination to Him. A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren.  

Hosea 9:15 I hated them for their evil deeds… I will love them no more (Ephraim)


Some think the context of Romans 8 is just believers and unbelievers, I think he is addressing those who are saved and those who never will be (hardened hearts).


Subject = subject one’s self. Romans says the carnally-minded can’t be subject (nor indeed can be) to the law of God.


"God loves the world but in comparison to the righteous, who are holy before God because the blood of Jesus covers their sins, He does hate the sinner comparatively speaking.

Thou hatest all workers of iniquity - Some sin now and then, others generally; some constantly, and some labor in it with all their might. These are the Workers of iniquity. Such even the God of infinite love and mercy hates. Alas! what a portion have the workers of iniquity! the hatred of God Almighty!

(Quote from blueletterbible)

Go deeper! Love, Mom


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